Embracing Sensitivity and High Giftedness: Naturopathic Support- naturheilpraxis st.gallen hinterberg

NATUROPATHY can help support individuals with high giftedness and high sensitivity in various ways by promoting their physical, emotional, and mental health. Here are some ways in which naturopathy can contribute:


Constitutional assessment: In Traditional European Naturopathy (TEN), a person's constitution is determined through the analysis of various aspects such as temperament, iris diagnosis, physical characteristics, preferences and aversions, lifestyle, and medical history. By determining the individual constitution, treatment can be tailored to the specific needs and challenges of the person.


Bach flower essences: Bach flower essences are natural plant extracts used to balance emotional imbalances and promote mental well-being. Highly gifted and highly sensitive individuals can benefit from Bach flower essences by helping them cope with stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges. The individual selection of Bach flower essences is based on the specific emotional states and needs of the person.


Stress management: Highly gifted and highly sensitive individuals often react more sensitively to stress. Naturopathy offers a variety of techniques for stress management, including relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation. These practices can help calm the mind, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. For children and adolescents, there are age-appropriate exercises that they can use in stressful situations, before or after, to regain balance.


Diet and supplements: A balanced diet can support physical and mental health and stabilize energy levels. Naturopathy can help recommend the right diet and the use of supplements that meet individual needs. This can help strengthen physical health and support the immune system.


Herbal medicine: Herbal medicine can be an effective complement to conventional medicine and help alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, or other emotional challenges. Calming herbs such as valerian, passionflower, and lemon balm can help calm the nervous system and promote relaxation.


Homeopathy: Homeopathy is a form of naturopathy based on the principle of "treating like with like." Highly gifted and highly sensitive individuals can benefit from homeopathic remedies tailored to their individual symptoms and needs.


Detoxification and cleansing: Highly gifted and highly sensitive individuals may be sensitive to environmental toxins and other burdensome substances. Naturopathy offers various methods for detoxification and cleansing of the body, including massages, foot reflexology (to which they respond very well), or tincture/tea mixtures. These can help rid the body of toxins and improve overall well-being.


Movement therapy: Movement and physical activity are important components of TEN as they help improve energy flow in the body and promote overall well-being. Individually tailored exercise programs can help reduce tension, calm the mind, and reduce stress.







High intelligence and high sensitivity are two terms that are often associated with each other, yet represent different concepts.


High intelligence: High intelligence refers to above-average intellectual potential or exceptional ability in a specific area. People considered highly intelligent typically exhibit high levels of cognitive performance, creativity, quick comprehension, and deep interests in specific areas. Highly intelligent individuals often navigate complex situations, solve complex problems, and find innovative solutions. It is important to note that high intelligence can apply to various domains, including academic abilities, artistic talent, musical ability, or athletic talents.


High sensitivity: High sensitivity refers to increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli and emotional impressions. Highly sensitive individuals perceive their environment more intensely and often react more strongly to external stimuli such as sounds, smells, or visual stimuli. They are often very empathetic, compassionate, and emotionally responsive. Highly sensitive individuals may also have a deep emotional sensitivity and perceive subtle nuances in interpersonal relationships. While high sensitivity is not an officially recognized medical diagnosis, it is considered a personality trait in psychology and can have both positive and negative effects on a person's life.


It is possible for someone to be both highly intelligent and highly sensitive, as these two characteristics can occur independently. In fact, there is research suggesting that highly intelligent individuals are more likely to also be highly sensitive. People who are both highly intelligent and highly sensitive may have a unique combination of strengths and challenges. While their cognitive intelligence may enable them to solve complex problems and develop innovative ideas, their high sensitivity and empathy may also make them more susceptible to overstimulation and emotional strain.


It is important for highly intelligent and highly sensitive children/people to receive the support and recognition they need to realize their full potential and cope with the challenges associated with their unique characteristics. This may include access to appropriate educational and employment opportunities, psychological or alternative medicine support, and a supportive social environment.


Non-recognition and confusion between high intelligence and high sensitivity can lead to various problems, both for the individuals concerned and for their environment. Here are some possible consequences:


Lack of support: If high intelligence and high sensitivity are not recognized, affected individuals may not receive the support and encouragement they need to realize their full potential. This can lead them to feel underappreciated, misunderstood, isolated, or even punished for their talents. For example, a child in first grade who finishes tasks early may be criticized harshly for not following instructions, instead of finding promotion solutions and praising quick comprehension. In this situation, the child learns that there are no benefits to being motivated and working quickly. Additionally, the child learns that there is something wrong with them and that it is perceived as a disturbance. Suddenly, the child begins to either behave conspicuously, resist, or work extra slowly, hiding their abilities so as not to stand out and avoid punishment or possibly being labeled as a nerd, which could ultimately lead to confusion with other problems: High intelligence and high sensitivity can easily be confused with other psychological or emotional problems, especially if their characteristics are not known. This can lead to misdiagnoses and to the actual needs of the affected individuals not being properly recognized or treated.


Self-doubt and self-esteem issues: People whose high intelligence or high sensitivity is not recognized often feel misunderstood or different from their peers. This can lead to self-doubt, insecurity, and low self-esteem, as they are made to feel not "normal" or that they do not belong.


Over- or under-stimulation: Burnout and boredom. Without adequate support and encouragement, highly intelligent individuals may be under-stimulated and bored in school, at work, or during leisure activities. On the other hand, highly sensitive individuals may be overstimulated or emotionally overwhelmed if their needs are not recognized and they live in overwhelming environments.


Relationship problems: Failure to recognize high intelligence and high sensitivity can also lead to relationship problems, as affected individuals may have difficulty connecting with others or feeling understood in a world where toughening up is the norm. This can lead to conflicts in family, friendships, or at work. Overall, it is important to have a balanced perspective on the topic of toughening up children. While it is important to prepare children for the realities of life and strengthen their resilience, it is equally important to protect and appreciate their sensitivity and empathy. Parents, guardians, and educators should strive to understand the needs of each child and support them in growing into confident, compassionate, resilient adults who know themselves and make decisions accordingly.


In general, it is important that high intelligence and high sensitivity are recognized early and adequately supported to avoid negative impacts and give affected individuals the opportunity to realize their full potential and lead a fulfilled life. This requires an awareness of the characteristics of high intelligence and high sensitivity as well as a sensitive and supportive approach on the part of parents, teachers, employers, and other important caregivers.




Quick understanding: Highly intelligent children can grasp new concepts quickly and understand them. They may require less time to understand instructions or solve difficult problems.

Constant questioning: Highly intelligent children often ask many questions that go beyond the usual level. They show a deep interest in the subject matter and often want to learn more about it.

Creative problem-solving: Highly intelligent children can find creative and unconventional solutions to problems. They may think "outside the box" and bring innovative ideas.

Boredom or disinterest: If the lesson is too slow or repetitive, highly intelligent children can quickly become bored or appear disinterested. They may be inattentive or otherwise occupied.

Advanced language skills: Highly intelligent children may have a rich vocabulary and use complex sentences. They can express themselves well and convey complex ideas.

High sensitivity: Highly intelligent children may show increased sensitivity and empathy. They may be very interested in the needs of their classmates and engage in social justice and humanitarian issues.



Sometimes, the characteristics of highly gifted children can be negatively interpreted by teachers, especially when they are not recognized or understood appropriately. Here are some possible negative interpretations:


Restlessness or inattention: Highly gifted children who quickly become bored or feel under-stimulated may be perceived as restless or inattentive. Teachers might think that the child has difficulty concentrating or following instructions.


Questioning authority: Highly gifted children often ask many questions out of a thirst for knowledge, often questioning authorities. Some teachers may interpret this as disrespectful behavior and find the child disruptive.


Not following the lesson: If highly gifted children already have knowledge of the material being taught, they may find the lesson boring and not actively participate. It may be thought that the child is disinterested or lazy.


Social difficulties: Highly gifted children may sometimes have difficulty adapting to social situations due to their sensitivity and intense interests. It may be thought that the child is isolated or unsocial. For example, smocks! Ski clothes. Clothes made of certain materials may cause discomfort for some highly sensitive children, as their skin reacts strongly (red welts). It takes time to get used to certain clothes. If they are forced into them recklessly, they may start to cry (a cry for help) because their skin hurts. This is often wrongly interpreted as defiance and aggression, and they may be punished additionally. In this situation, children can strongly perceive the injustice, but they cannot explain it because they are made to feel that it is their fault and that they are not behaving appropriately.


Heightened expectations: Highly gifted children may have high expectations of themselves and others. If they are unable to meet these expectations, they may feel frustrated or disappointed. It may be thought that the child is too demanding or ambitious. Some parents/teachers, with the intention of furthering the child's development, focus on the points of criticism, what the child could improve, and forget to appreciate the very good performance. This puts the focus on what the child cannot do yet, which could be counterproductive for a child with very high standards who can already do a lot according to their age.


Recognizing and understanding the unique characteristics and needs of highly gifted children is crucial to providing them with the support and encouragement they need to thrive. Instead of viewing their behaviors negatively, it is important to recognize their potential and provide them with opportunities to excel.




High giftedness or high challenge?


The question of whether giftedness and high sensitivity are a gift or a challenge is complex and can vary depending on individual perspective. Some people view them as a gift because they are endowed with special abilities, deep understanding, and heightened sensitivity, enabling them to perceive the world in unique ways and make significant contributions. Giftedness can accompany high intellectual potential, creativity, and rapid learning, while high sensitivity can involve deep empathy, emotional sensitivity, and the ability to finely tune interpersonal relationships.


On the other hand, giftedness and high sensitivity can also be perceived negatively as they often come with challenges and difficulties. Highly gifted and highly sensitive individuals may often feel misunderstood, isolated, or underwhelmed, especially when their abilities are not adequately recognized or nurtured. They may also be more susceptible to stress, overstimulation, and emotional strain, leading to anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. Furthermore, social expectations and stigmatization can add additional burdens.


Ultimately, the perception of giftedness and high sensitivity as a gift or a challenge depends on individual experiences, circumstances, and coping strategies. For some people, they can be both a source of joy and challenge, while others may view them exclusively as one or the other. It's important to recognize that giftedness and high sensitivity cannot simply be categorized as "good" or "bad" but represent a complex and nuanced phenomenon encompassing both positive and negative aspects.


It's also crucial to provide support and resources to help gifted and highly sensitive individuals unfold their unique abilities and cope with the challenges they may face. Overall, the social environment can have a significant impact on whether gifted and highly sensitive individuals perceive their abilities and sensitivity as a gift or a curse. Through acknowledgment, understanding, empathy, adaptation, encouragement, and the promotion of supportive relationships, they can feel more comfortable and accepted, allowing them to unfold their unique talents.


The right to self-determination and self-realization also includes the right of gifted and highly sensitive individuals to recognize and appreciate their unique qualities and abilities. They should not be forced to hide or deny their identity but should be encouraged to be authentic and unfold their talents.